A brand new weekly kids' club in Coal Drops Yard

Award-winning brands Cissy Wears and CocoRio are teaming up to launch a new creative club for kids: ‘Playhaus’. Set in the arts and cultural hub Coal Drops Yard, this initiative is set on facilitating play for the modern family. They hope to create two hours of precious time for parents and carers to enjoy the vibrant local area doing whatever rejuvenates them. If sipping peacefully on a coffee by the canal, catching a workout class or dipping into the surrounding shops child-free sounds good, then this is for you. 

The club will be held at the independent family concept store Cissy Wears, a leading authority on contemporary kids’ design, womenswear and lifestyle products. Whilst parents and carers are revelling in new-found free time, the group of children will be engaged in creative activities led by a DBS-certified childcare provider, with a second childcare assistant present. Both will hail from upmarket creative childcare agency CocoRio, the ClubHub 2024 ‘Leader of the Year’. All childcarers draw on their backgrounds in the arts such as dance, music, art and acting to provide the best creative learning experience.

The launch date is Tuesday, July 30 from 2-4pm, and will run for 5 weeks with the view to adapt into a term-time friendly offering also.

To ensure the best experience, limited spaces are available so please be sure to book ahead of time. Limited free spaces for families on free school lunches or universal credit are available on a first-come-first-served basis. 

We want Playhaus to be accessible to all, and for everyone to feel welcome and included. Please contact us directly if you have specific accessibility requirements. 

Who is this for? 4-8 years olds

Time: 2-4pm. Please arrive 5 minutes early to complete sign-in. 

Dates: Tuesdays, July 30, August 6, August 13, August 20, August 27

Price: Starting price at £21.50 including VAT and fees. Limited free spaces are available for low-income families either on free school meals or universal credit.

Follow us on socials to stay up to date: @cissywears @cocorio.